Guidance and Counseling Services

Lyn Martin, Guidance Counselor
Phone: 229-549-5999

Jamere Harry, Guidance Counselor
Phone: 229-549-5999
Welcome to the Guidance and Counseling Services at Cook Middle School.
Middle School is an exciting but frustrating time for students as well as for parents and teachers. Transition is the key word. Through the middle school years, students experience many physical, social, and emotional changes. The only other time in a child's life that has more changes than the middle school years is birth to two years old.
During the journey from childhood to adolescence, our goal is to educate the total child - meaning the physical, emotional, and social aspect of their education is just as important as the academic during this transition time.
Goal/Mission Statement
The goal of the guidance and counseling program at Cook Middle School is to help students to realize his or her full potential as a unique, special individual. The school counselor has special training to help in developing social, personal, and academic skills. They can work with students individually or in group settings. Classroom guidance and other special activities are also a part of the counseling program.
Every day in America:
1 mother dies in childbirth.
4 children are killed by abuse or neglect.
5 children or teens commit suicide.
8 children or teens are killed by firearms.
33 children or teens die from accidents.
77 babies die before their first birthdays.
192 children are arrested for violent crimes.
383 children are arrested for drug abuse.
906 babies are born at low birth weight.
1,153 babies are born to teen mothers.
1,672 public school students are corporally punished.*
1,839 babies are born without health insurance.
2,261 high school students drop out.*
2,383 children are confirmed as abused or neglected.
2,411 babies are born into poverty.
2,494 babies are born to mothers who are not high school graduates.
4,017 babies are born to unmarried mothers.
4,302 children are arrested.
17,132 public school students are suspended.*
* Based on calculations per school day (180 days of seven hours each)
(Information Source: May 2007 Children's Defense Fund - "Each Day in America.")
Your school counselor can work with you to help you to:
Do better in school
Solve problems with family, friends, teachers, administrators
Develop a positive self-esteem
Find answers to questions
Discover talents and abilities
Set goals
Explore career choices
Make good decisions
Cope with everyday situations and problems
Who does the school counselor work with?
students and parents,community members, businesses, relatives, friends, teachers, administrators, and other staff members-anyone with problems or concerns about a student
How can you contact your school counselor?
Parent Referral
Teacher Referral
By Email
You may stop by before school, during lunch, or after school.